Captain William Kidd stood on the Gallows & a thin rain began to fall. He was dressed in the full splendor of a decorated colonial captain of the seas from the spotless coat to the new pair of boots. A list of crimes for which Kidd stood accused was being read for the gathered crowd but Kidd wasn't listening. He had spent the past few weeks becoming familiar with all of the crimes he had been charged. Right now he was busily scanning the crowd & looking for a familiar face. Had his friends shown up at the last? The noose was placed around his neck & a dark sack over his head. As the darkness covered his eyes, his life, as it tends to do in these situations, flashed before them... | ||||
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... Captain Kidd awoke from his reverie in time to hear the official proclamation that he was to hang by his neck until he was dead. The rain had begun to soak through the thin sack & he could almost see through it. There was a disturbance in the crowd & some shouting but he didn't have time to wonder what might have caused the fuss because at just that moment the floor dropped out from beneath him… & he fell… & the noose pulled tight… & the rope snapped! The crowd gasped as Captain Kidd disappeared through the trap door & landed with a grunt on the ground beneath the platform. In those days this stay of execution wasn't seen as a sign of divine provenance but rather an indication of a poorly made knot. After a few moments of confusion Captain William Kidd was bustled back up onto the stage where the noose was refitted & secured into place. Though most of the crowd & the officials on the stage were nearly soaked to the bone, Kidd was gauged dry enough that the noose would not slip free. Without delay the trap was sprung & a few agonizing seconds later the saga of Captain William Kidd ended at the end of a taught rope. As the crowd began to disperse, William Leeds, loyal to the end, fought against the crowds until he was near the front. An old muddy pair of boots dangled at eye-level only a few yards away. He smiled. | ||||
It's a fact that William Leeds had money. In his will he left 438 acres of land to the county & the Christ Church. This land is where Thompson Park & Brookdale Community College is today. On the foundation of an old jail (the very jail that once held his friend Moses Butterworth) Leeds built the Christ Church of Middletown. It's a fact that Money Island is no more. It's been excavated to the point where it's nothing more than a sandbar. If there was treasure on the island it's long been spent or sent to Davy Jones' Locker. It's a fact that the Army Corps of Engineers surveyed & excavated large sections of Cliffwood Beach a few decades ago. They built up the seawall as if to protect the unfound treasure from the elements. The positioning of their benchmarks is very suspicious. It's fiction that Captain Kidd used two gigantic trees as range markers to navigate to the hiding place of the gold. These trees, known as "Kidd's Rangers" were supposedly at the mouth of the Raritan Creek & atop of Rose Hill in Matawan. There were indeed very large trees in those locations but it's highly unlikely anyone could use them as markers from the bay. Of course someone did try eventually... & by no small coincidence there's a small park at the site where the trees would lead a sailor. In fact, the exact center point has been calculated – & an ACoE benchmark labeled PL190 exists there to this day. It's a fact that Treasure Lake is just North of this mysterious park – & the actual site of the buried treasure! After Captain Kidd was arrested William Leeds dug up the treasure & moved it. This is why some coins were found on Money Island. He spread rumors of "Kidd's Rangers" to throw people off the trail but actually buried it ... where X marks the spot! To help guide Kidd back to his treasure Leeds left a clue in the church he built – he carved a cross above the pulpit. The cross represented a prominent feature of the landscape of that time. It has since been replaced with a man-made structure. The treasure hunters of yesteryear got everything right except one crucial detail... they dug in the wrong direction! Some may call me a fool for sharing this information, but I trust that you will treat the treasure as the historical artifact that it is & take only a small sampling of the treasure for their own. Do not feel the need to trade swag at this cache. While exploring the seawall be mindful that it's called Cliffwood beach for a reason. Be careful. Be safe. Have fun. |
Orignal From: Captain Kidd's Treasure Found!
I’m John Budzash. I grew up in that part of Cliffwood Beach and as a child, I along with my friends, searched the swamps and Treasure Lake for that treasure.
One day, at the same instant, Bob Redmond, Mike Phelan and myself all spotted a Civil war bugle in perfect condition lying on top of trench that was recently re-dug by the Army Corps of Engineers. It was inscribed to a Union Army Captain from his men. That was found in the swamps across from Keyport.. And right where it was rumored that Kid hid out
That Bugle was the only historical thing I ever heard about being found there
Cliffwood Beach was destroyed several times by hurricanes in the 1950’s and 1960’s, The coast line changed and places that once were, were no more. Landmarks disappeared. Treasure Lake was allegedly connected to the bay at a long ago time and but another place Kid used to hide out
It is my belief that the treasure is there, but will only turn up when Mother Nature decides it is the right time and she uncovers it
Interesting fact of this area.
Those hurricanes and other storms often resulted in sea turtles and small whales being washed ashore in a 10 year period of the 50’s-60’s that was extremely unusual because the bay is brackish water and large sea creatures are almost never seen there.
Ship debris, both very old ships and from cargo ships that dock in Elizabeth Bayonne and other NJ ports, as well as in NY ports in Staten Island and Long Island, were also tossed ashore from those storms. It’s logical to assume treasure may have been washed out into the bay, or washed further inland, or buried deeper by the sands, covered up even more when they built that asinine sea wall that made the shore line look like a ratty prison wall, so wherever the treasure once was, it’s probably moved by nature and not likely to ever be found until nature decides to uncover it. It’s also safe to say after a few hundred years those trees and other markings are long long long gone
Also interesting is the fact the movie JAWS was written about a real shark attack that happened right in this same area, just a few hundred yards south of Treasure lake in the Matawan Creek that runs between Cliffwood Beach and Keyport.
A great white shark swam into the bay after attacking swimmers along the coast in salt water from around Sea Girt up to the Raritan Bay’s Brackish waters and then up the totally fresh water Matawan Creek where it killed it’s last victims just a few blocks east of the Rail Road Station on Main Street (same location that is the new RR Station) and about 1-2 blocks toward Matawan Town from where Matty’s Auto Parts
used to be. The site of the attack that killed a boy named Stillwell and his friend plus an adult who tried to save the kids is at the end of one of the side streets where the boy and his friend(s) went for a swim on a hot day.
That true story is a movie and a book named ____ Days of Terror. I forget the number that should be in that blank. It’s something between 6-12 days I believe. I suggest you read that book for interesting look into just a small part of our local History and watch the movie on PBS or borrow it from your library
Thanks for sharing that! I've only been in the area for a half dozen years but I've heard from my neighbors similar stories of the hurricanes of 50 years ago. Many maps still show Woodland Drive as a loop though the road washed away in the early 60s. The seawall has been made less ugly recently but I would have loved to seen the original pristine beach.
My brother in-law grew up and lived in and still owns the last house by the cliff that's also right across from Treasure Lake. The road crumbled down the cliff and is long gone like you said around the 60's as you said.
the shore line has changed radically since I've been alive so I imagine since Kid was in the area, it's changed dramatically.
On the Old Bridge side of Cliffwood Beach there used to be a real estate office. I think it was the Cahill agency that was built to look like an old Pirate Ship. The land it was on is now a 7-11.
The pirate ship was moved across the highway where it stayed for s few years before being sold and moved up somewhere north .
It's my opinion the treasure is either hopelessly lost after being washed out to sea from one of the hurricanes back in the 50's or 60's or it is now close to the water but up on one section of the cliffs where eventually another storm might just erode enough to uncover it.
All of this is very exciting, but honestly folks, if someone finds buried treasure on a public beach in New Jersey (or anywhere for that matter) do you honestly think that The State would actually let them keep it! What's the definitive word on the issue? Seems foolhardy to pursue a treasure if one can't keep it.
Yeah that would be great to find but the greedy co**sucker's wouldnt let anyone keep it
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